
I visited the Duke of York

I went o my first pub!! It was called the Duke of York and was only about 2 1/2 blocks from our flat. It was so tiny but so ENGLISH! The bartender, Tom, made us some drinks with highly inappropriate names that had butterscotch schnapps and Bailey's in it (is that a buttery nipple in America? They called it a cock-sucking cowboy here... much more amusing if you ask me). After that i ordered a beer called Carlsberg. It's supposed to be their Bud Light/Miller Light but tasted much better. I learned to play darts and met some very nice older men that hang out at the pub so much they'll run down to the liquor cellar for the bartender if he needs something. It made every one of us to find a pub we liked enough to go somewhere that frequently! Only four of us went out, so hopefully tomorrow we'll all be in good enough shape to go out as a flat.
Cheers Luv!

Oh! I forgot to add... some guy asked me if I would model his spring line he designs. He showed me his work and it looked very legit, but I had to point out to him I wasn't exactly model size haha. I sure as hell wouldn't fit into his 0/2 sample sizes!

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